Wednesday, July 7, 2010

China: Day 3

Dr. Freeman speaks to the students from the University of Beijing

While I was heading to class, I ran into some graduating student and hopped in the picture with them.

National Grand Opera House

This is my entire class @ the Bird's Nest. As you see, its a mixture of cultures but we are here to learn.

So... I got tired of walking and sat down. (Previously Asians came up to me and grab me into there pictures). So for only sitting for 30 secs... people begin taking pictures with me. Talk about feeling like a celebrity.

The individual next to me is Juan. (from Spain) He thinks he can beat Americans in "Basketball" Come On Son... Other than that a real cool guy.

1 comment:

  1. I see you throwing up the ICE...worldwide!!! yes sirz...And Dr. Freeman looks as if see is giving some strong knowledge as usual, I love listening to Doc!!!
